Search Results for: Pruitt

How Scott Pruitt Is Reshaping the EPA in the First 100 Days

Upon winning the presidential elections in 2016, Donald Trump immediately moved to install Scott Pruitt as head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agencies. Given Pruitt’s credentials as a long-term climate change denier who has links with big polluters, climate change and environmental activists were justifiably concerned that the gains made under the previous administration are set to be rolled back under the new. In the first 100 days, Pruitt has begun dismantling the Clean Power Plan. This legislation represents the only national carbon dioxide limit on industry. Its abandonment is guaranteed to see emissions of CO2 and other pollutants rocket in the short-term, which could have equally harmful effects on the environment and public health. To compound this act, Pruitt has also campaigned vociferously for the White House to pull…
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Dan Coats Clashes with Elizabeth Warren Over Climate Change

Dan Coats, serving as the Director of National Intelligence (DNI), clashed with Sen. Elizabeth Warren over his assessment of the risk posed by climate change to national security at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing on May 23, 2017. Former diplomat Coats was appointed to the cabinet-level position by President Trump in 2017. Coats has previously served as a Republican Senator for Indiana on two occasions (1989–99; 2011–17). He is known for his conservative views on social issues. In 1993, he was partly responsible for the controversial “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy that effectively prohibited openly gay men and women from serving in the U.S. armed forces. Coats has also sought to limit the power of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the past, holding climate-skeptic views that are known…
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